Heading 4
Come and spend a cozy
afternoon in Soldalens garden!
Every wednesday in the summerholidays we invite you to come and watch a spellbinding circus performance of either Aslak Gärtner with the show "ShooFood" or Melanie Hagedorn with "Hang Loose".
Soldalens Cafe and Shop will be open.
If it rains the shows will be cancelled.
Price: 50/30 kr.
Cirkus i Soldalen
Every wednesday from the 30th of June til the 4th of August at 15:00 o'clock
Aslak Gärtner "Shoefood" or Melanie Hagedorn "Hang Loose"
Maegaardsvej 4
3770 Allinge
Aslak Gärtner - ShoeFood (DK)
Søndag / Sunday
varighed/duration: 30 min
anbefalet publikums alder/audience: alle/all
Aslak startede med at optræde da han var 11 i 2016 modtog han sit bachelor diplom i cirkus og performance art, hans specialer er Kinesisk pæl, pisk, historiefortælling og snart et kursus i pyrotechnik. Før han han tog til Tilburg, Holland, for at tage sin uddannelse gik han tre år på cirkus skolen i København, AFUK.
Aslak started performing with street theatre at the age of 11. In 2016 he received his bachelor diploma, his specialization is Chinese Pole, bull whipping and story telling, and soon to come, a minor education in pyrotechnics. Before going to the university in Tilburg he spent three years at the Danish Circus school AFUK.
Lad en rejsende og hans trofaste følgesvend tage dig med på i en fortælling hvor alt kan ske. Sammen har de været igennem tykt og tyndt og er nu klar til at tage deres publikum med ind i deres lille univers formet af drømme og venskab. Tag med dem gennem et show fuld af humor og tragedie i en emotionel forestilling som kombinerer Kinesisk pæl og ukonventionel dyre tæmning.
Let a traveler and his loyal companion take you on a journey where anything can happen. Together they have travelled the world and are ready to take you into their little universe of dreams and friendships.
Join them for a show full of humor, tragedy and emotional roller-coaster rides.
A performance that combines Chinese pole and unconventional animal taming.
Melanie Hagedorn - Hang Loose (DE)
Søndag / Sunday
varighed/duration: 30 min
anbefalet publikums alder/audience: alle/all
I hendes stykke ''Hang loose – en dag på slap line'' Melanie tager sin titel meget bogstaveligt og præsenterer derfor en hel dags routine fra morgen til aften imens hun konstant må holde balancen, altid i bevægelse på hende slappe line.
Melanie viser hvad der sker når dagligdags rutiner pludselig bliver umulige og kampen for at holde balancen slår hverdagen af sporet. Med forrykte ideer gør hun sit publikummet mundlamme, får dem til at smile - for at til sidst at stille spørgsmålstegn ved det hele.
In her piece “hang loose – a day on the rope” Melanie takes this expression literally – and presents a whole daily routine from morning to evening as a constant balancing act, always in movement on her slack rope.
Melanie shows what happens when ordinary things suddenly become impossible, when the struggle to find balance unhinges everyday life. With ludicrous ideas she astounds her audience, makes them smile – to finally put everything into question!
Melanie færdig gjorde, i 2013, sin uddannelse på ACaPA i Tilburg, Holland. Siden da har hun spillet sin solo ''Hang Loose'' på gade teater festivaler og events i Europa og Palæstina. Hendes gala forestilling har hun bla. spillet i GOP Varieté i Tyskland. Udover cirkus laver hun også musik og illustrationer. Du kan være sikker på at hendes hoved altid er i gang med et eller andet, om det er nye koncepter til forestillinger eller små konstruktioner som kunne gøre livet lettere.
Melanie graduated in 2013 at ACaPa in Tilburg. Since then she performed “Hang Loose” on street-theatre festivals and events in Europe and Palestine. Her Gala act “Seiltanz” was showcased amongst others in GOP Varieté-Theater, Germany. Except for circus she is also doing music and illustrating. You can be sure that her head is always busy, figuring out artistic ideas or inventing small constructions in her home to make everyday life easier.