21st September 2019
"Cirkus i Soldalen"
14:00 doors open
14:30-16:00 Knekke Greine
14:45-15:15 B-side Company
15:15-15:45 Matthias Romir
16:00-16:30 Company Satchok
16:30-18:00 Knekke Greine
16:45-17:15 B-Side Company
17:15-17:45 Matthias Romir
18:00-19:00 Sisus Sirkus
19:00-20:00 Band
open/åben 14:00 - 21:00
*Ændringer i programmet kan forekomme
*The programm might be subject to changes
22nd September 2019
"Cirkus i Soldalen"
12:00 doors open
12:30-14:00 Knekke Greine
12:45-13:15 B-side Company
13:15-13:45 Matthias Romir
14:00-14:30 Company Satchok
14:30-16:00 Knekke Greine
14:45-15:15 B-Side Company
15:15-15:45 Matthias Romir
16:00-17:00 Sisus Sirkus
18:00 doors close
open/åben 12:00 - 18:00
*Ændringer i programmet kan forekomme
*The programm might be subject to changes
Sisus Sirkus "Mosh Split"
varighed/duration: 50 min
anbefalet publikums alder/audience: 6+
(max. publikum/audience: 500)
“Mosh Split” handler om en skør campist, ekstremt fleksible ben og betagende luftakrobatik. Når dørene til campingvognen åbnes, hænges et stort, hypnotisk gardin af toiletpapir op og en normal støvsuger bliver pludselig til en frisørassistent. Gruppen Sisus Sirkus er absurd og fornærmende på samme tid. Fem talentfulde unge kvinder med akrobatiske færdigheder, energi og en sund dosis humor er det som kendetegner forestillingen “Mosh Split”!
“Mosh Split”: In the scenery there is a camper van and from there surprising characters and crazy ideas come out following one another. Dresses are made out of toilet paper and hairstyles get their finishing touches with vacuum cleaners. This energetic show contains a huge variety of circus skills both in the air and on the ground. Washington trapeze, moshing, skipping rope dancing, partner acrobatics, swinging trapeze, splits, groupspirit, humor and girl power – that ́s what Mosh Split is made of.'
Sisus er et cirkuscompani med base i Finland. Det blev grundlagt af fem kvinder: Iida Sipilä, Inka Pehkonen, Milla Lahtinen, Sofia Defour og Rosa Tyyskä.
Efter uddannelser som professionelle cirkusartister på Lahti Cirkusskolen har Sisus-medlemmer turneret verden som soloartister. Siden 2014 har drømmen om et compani sammen været virkelighed, og i august 2016 havde de premiere på deres første udendørs show i fuld længde, Mosh Split, som de har turneret rundt omkring i Europa med lige siden.
Sisus is a circus company based in Finland. It was founded by five women: Iida Sipilä, Inka Pehkonen, Milla Lahtinen, Sofia Defour and Rosa Tyyskä.
After graduating as professional circus artists from Lahti Circus school, the Sisus members have been touring the world as solo artists. Since 2014 the dream of a circus company together has been reality and in August 2016 they premiered
their first full length out door show, Mosh Split, which has been touring around Europe ever since.
Company Satchok "Sisyphus"
varighed/duration: 30 min
anbefalet publikums alder/audience: alle/all
(max. publikum/audience: 500)
I forestillingen “Sisyphus” forener Company Satchok færdigheder som partnerakrobatik, banquine og “straps” med spil, humor og glæde. Inspireret af den gamle myte om Sisyfos, har de lavet et show, som kombinerer alle disse elementer. Forestillingen viser ren glæde og det sjove i at bare at gøre noget! Satchok deler ideen om, at processen er lige så (eller mere) givende end resultatet! At prøve og at fejle, koncentration og gensidig tillid. De tre kunstnere præsenterer deres færdigheder og går lige til grænsen for den menneskelige krops formåen.
In their show “Sisyphus” unifies company Satchok skills in partner acrobatics, badquine and aerial straps, with a competitive attitude, humor and joy. Inspired by the ancient myth Sisyphus, they have created a show combining all these elements. Sharing the idea that the process is just as (or more) fulfilling than the result, the show is about pure joy and the fun of doing! Trial and error, concentration and mutual trust; The three artists present their skills up to the limit of human capacity.
Company Satchok er et dynamisk samarbejde mellem tre cirkusartister: Galatée Auzanneau, Marius Pohlmann og Camiel Corneille.
Marius, oprindeligt fra Nordhorn [DE], graduerede i 2012 fra cirkusskolen ACAPA i Tilburg. Galatée [FR], som nu bor i Barcelona, blev uddannet på den samme skole og var også færdiguddannet i 2012.
Camiel er født og opvokset i Utrecht [NL] og uddannet på cirkusskole CODARTS i Rotterdam. Han graduerede i 2015.
Company Satchok is a dynamic collaboration between three circus artists: Galatée Auzanneau, Marius Pohlmann and Camiel Corneille.
Marius Pohlmann, originally from Nordhorn [DE], and now living in Geroldstein [DE], graduated in 2012 from the Circus Bachelors ACAPA in Tilburg [NL]. Galatée, from Auch [FR] but now living in Barcelona [ES], graduated also in 2012 from the same school. Camiel, born and raised in Utrecht [NL], graduated in 2015 from the Circus Bachelors CODARTS Circus Arts in Rotterdam [NL].
Knekke Greine - Skovvandring
varighed/duration: 90 min
anbefalet publikums alder/audience: alle/all
(max. publikum/audience: 100)
“Knekke Greine” er et interaktivt performativt eventyr i skoven. Det starter fra en blind gåtur, hvor publikum eskorteres ind i skoven hvor tre cirkusartister og en musiker har kastet los og frigivet kreativiteten.
Kunstnerne er inspireret af ideer fra naturvidenskab og nordiske myter, sammen leder de publikum gennem eventyr midt i den vildtvoksende og levende skov.
“Knekke Greine” is an interactive performative adventure in the forest. Starting from a blindfolded guided walk, the audience are led into the forest where three circus artists and a musician has let their creativity blossom.
Inspired by ideas from nature science, nordic myths and children play. We guide the audience through a world of life in the forest.
Knekke Greine er en gruppe kunstnere, som tager udgangspunkt i en filosofi om at alle er udskiftelige, men unikke.
En del af holdet er:
Mira Leonard, med superkræfter til at flippe folk i luften; Esmeralda Nikolajeff, som kan snuble hurtigere i luften end man kan se; Love Kjellsson, som flyver gennem skoven med en violin i sine hænder og fortryller alle med sine magiske strenge - og sidst men ikke mindst: Karoline Aamås fra de vestlige norske mørke fyrretræer. Karoline klatrer rundt som en abe og dingler fra sit hår.
“Knekke Greine” is a group of performers, that believe that everyone is replaceable but unique. Each show is different. Part of the team are:
Mira Leonard, with the superpowers of flipping people in the air; Esmeralda Nikolajeff, who can spin in the air faster than you can look; Love Kjellsson who flies through the forest with a fiddle in his hands enchanting everyone with his magical strings. And last but not least Karoline Aamås. From the dark pines of Western Norway, Karoline climbs around like a monkeysnake and dangles from her hair.
Matthias Romir - Schwarz
varighed/duration: 30 min
anbefalet publikums alder/audience: 8+
(max. publikum/audience: 40)
Dette show er som god kaffe - bitter, som livet; sort, som fremtiden; dog på en eller anden måde underligt underholdende. I "Schwarz" samler Matthias Romir sine forskellige acts som en sort klovn i en bitter-sød undersøgelse af en klovn på kanten. I hænderne af den underlige karakter på rulleskøjter, tager heliumballonens luftige lethed en grotesk note. Kunsten at mislykkes bringes til sin logiske konklusion. Ekspressiv jonglering møder depressiv klovning og naiv maskespil. "Schwarz" er en blanding af mærkelige ideer og stærke følelser; det er et show, der kommer under huden. Men frem for alt er det død morsomt.
This show is like good coffee – bitter, like life; black, like the future; yet somehow strangely enjoyable. "Schwarz" brings together Matthias Romir’s hitherto most important acts as a black clown in a bitter-sweet study of a clown on the edge. In the hands of the strange character on roller skates, the helium balloon’s airy effortlessness takes on a grotesque note. The art of failure is brought to its logical conclusion. Expressive juggling meets depressive clowning and naive mask play. "Schwarz" is a mishmash of strange ideas and a pledge of strong feelings; it’s a show that gets under your skin. But above all, it’s dead funny.
Matthias Romir voksede op med de europæiske jongleringsscene-festivaler. Det var der, han lærte scenen at kende som barn; han havde sin første optræden i 13-års alderen. Efter at have studeret i Würzburg og Budapest, gjorde han sin lidenskab til sit erhverv i 2008.
Den lidenskabelige selvlærte kunstner er kendt for sin musikalske, fortællende jongleringsstil på grænserne af clowning og objektteater, såvel som hans underlige karakterer og dybe sorte komedier.
Matthias Romir grew up with the European juggling-scene festivals. It was there that he came to know and love the stage as a child; he first performed his own piece at the tender age of 13. After studying special education in Würzburg and Budapest, he finally made his passion into his profession in 2008.
The passionate self-taught artist is known for his musical, narrative juggling style on the boundaries of clowning and object theatre, as well as his weird characters and profound black comedies.
B-side Company (Paul) - Higher, even higher!
varighed/duration: 25 min
anbefalet publikums alder/audience: alle/all
(max. publikum/audience: 200)
19 kufferter på scenen. I midten står en mand, Paul. Acrobat og historiefortæller, her for at tage os med på en rejse. I en af kufferterne finder han Teddy. Teddy bliver Pauls rejsekammerat. Sammen opdager de verden, sammen skaber de deres eget eventyr. Kufferter bliver heste, og kufferter bliver motorcykler eller skibe. Det ene øjeblik paraderer de som stolte soldater, i det andet er de pirater fortabt til søs.
Nineteen suitcases are on the stage. In the middle stands a man, Paul. Acrobat and storyteller, here to take us on a journey. In one of the suitcases he finds Teddy. Teddy becomes Paul’s travel companion. Together they discover the world, together they create their own adventure. Suitcases become horses, and suitcases become motorcycles or a boat. One moment they parade like proud soldiers, the other they are pirates lost at sea.
Paul startede cirkus i 2002 i en alder af ti i Circus Nevermind i Zoetermeer (NL). I 2010 startede han på Acadamy for Circus and Per-formance Art (ACaPA), i Tilburg, Holland, hvor han har specialiseret sig i håndstand og straps. I sin uddannelse skaber han forskellige soloforstillinger og deltager i flere kollektive kreationer. Efter skolen deltog han i en række projekter, navnligt gadeshowet "Tracks" fra B-side Company.
Paul started circus in 2002 at the age of ten at Circus Nevermind in Zoetermeer (NL). In 2010 he enters at the Acadamy for Circus and Per-formance Art (AcaPA), in Tilburg, the Netherlands where he specialises in handstands on canes and aerial straps. During his formation he creates various solo acts and participates in multiple collective creations. Having finished school he takes part in a number of projects, most notably the street show “Tracks” from the B-side Company.
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more info soon!